June 15, 2010

The show tonight in Ottawa was what all shows should be like: fun for all involved. If you were there and didn't have fun like we did, I'm sorry but it looked like you were having a great time. We were lucky enough to play to what felt like a full room even though we were first and the fact that the dudes up front knew the words to the songs made it just delightful. Last night in Toronto was pretty much exactly the same and a lot of our friends were hanging out all day. Ontario is officially the sweet spot of this bands miniscule career. Thanks Canada. Thanks for Tim Hortons too.

This morning we stopped at a McDonalds so Tony (our merch guy who doesn't do merch) could take a dump. Why he didn't do this when we stopped 20 minutes earlier, I don't know. He got what he deserved though. A confused gradmpa kept trying to pull the stall door open with all his might despite Tony clearly telling him he was in there. It was funny. People need to learn how to use public bathrooms. I can excuse this old guy because he's old but people with young brains should be able to figure out in 2 seconds if someone is trying to take care of business in peace or not. Don't yank on the door. Also, don't look through the crack of the door to see if someones in there, just look for feet under. It's simple. Rules to live by I guess.

Back to music. Hardtimes wrote a very nice thing about us. Please check it out. They're better at writting than I am.

(click here for the Hard Times piece)

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